
I became extremely happy with my life, particularly on weekends when I spent the whole time from Saturday lunchtime until Monday morning in feminine dress. As summer approached I noticed I was beginning to look more female even when in masculine clothes. Having always been of slight build, indeed during my time at college I had been ashamed of my lack of muscles, I now seemed to be very delicate in appearance. Slight bust develop- ment became apparent and by keeping a careful check on my waist and hip measurements I found the former was decreasing and the latter increasing. At first I put this down to the feminine life I was leading in my off duty hours and the fact that I seemed to experience a com- plete change of personality when dressed, but as it grad- ually became more pronounced and I found I did not need to shave my face and body quite so often, I decided it was time I visited a doctor.

Having read every book obtainable on the subject of Transvestism and thinking I would be immediately classi- fied as a homosexual although I knew this was not correct, I did not tell the doctor about my crossdressing but just explained I had noticed feminization and wanted to know what was wrong. He gave me a perfunctory examination, confirmed my statement and, saying that it was completely out of his field, proposed to make arrangements for me to see a glandular specialist. When I visited this gentleman in his palatial consulting rooms he questioned me closely about my early life and in answering his questions I was forced to reveal my secret. Strangely enough he expressed no surprise but was more interested in the date I had first noticed feminization. I made it clear to him that in view of my transvestic desires I was quite happy with my femi- nine contours but was frightened it might be the result of some serious organic trouble and if this was not the cause would definitely refuse any treatment to make me more masculine. Finally arrangements were made for me to go into the hospital for three days for a complete medical examination and observation.

It was only the next week when I received instructions to report on the following, so all my spare time was spent in packing away all evidence of my feminine ways, and by Sunday afternoon before the house was tidy and ready for my absence at the hospital. As usual I had dressed as a